Free & Open Source

The most accurate app for identifying mushrooms & fungi.

The Most Advanced Classifier

Our image classifier uses a state of the art deep learning architecture for the best predictions.

Over 3,500,000 Images

Our classifier is trained on over 3.5m high quality images of fungi.

15,000,000+ Observations

Our database has over 15,000,000 high quality observations from around the world.

Seasonal Predictions

Find out what's in season locally so you know what to look for.

Local Heatmaps

Save time by seeing exactly where a species has been found near you.

Wikipedia Integration

Learn more about a species with our offline Wikipedia integration.

Example Images

View over 100+ examples of each species in the wild.

Free Forever

FungID is free to use and always will be.

Open Source

FungID is open source and available on GitHub.

Offline Support

Offline support for most features including image classification. (coming soon)

Edibility Guide

Data on edibility and toxicity for over 1,000 species.

Ecology Information

Know in what type of environment a species can typically be found.